Gala - Markets, Ethics and the Law





 Jacob Abolafia, "The Myth of Singapore"



Ron Aboodi, Regulating Character Education



Yael AssorSimplicity Vs. Accuracy: How an Epistemic Tension Structures Global Health Economics



Yoav Beirach, The Force of Interest and the Construction of Economic Routine: New Perspectives on the Naturalization of Compound Interest in 17th Century Europe



Adoulou N. Bitang, The Cunning of the Market: On the Ethical Virtues of the Colonial Creation of African Art



 Assaf Bondy and Ronen MandelkernLiberalized Unions – The Causes and Consequences of Economic Professionalization of Industrial Relations



Alex Bryan, The Epistemic Dimensions of Civil Disobedience



Yael Cohen-Rimer, What’s Choice Got to Do with It? Addressing the Pitfalls of Using Choice-Architecture Discourse within Poverty Law



Yaron Covo, Disability and Contracts



Lucila de Almeida, Consumers and the Green Transition Between Saying and Doing: Promising Consumer Empowerment while Restricting Consumers’ Choices Is Dangerous



 Marta Dell’Aquila, What is wrong with Latin American multiculturalism?



Rona Dinur, Can Normative Accounts of Discrimination Be Guided by Anti-discrimination Law? Should They? A Critical Note on Sophia Moreau's Faces of Inequality: A Theory of Wrongful Discrimination



Klaas Eller, The Political Economy of Tenancy Contract Law. Towards Holistic Housing Law



Lior Erez, Not Yours to Sell: The Case Against Private Citizenship Markets (published in Political Research Quarterly, 2022)



Fabrizio Esposito, A Research Agenda for Liberal and Economic Theories of Contract. Beyond the Dagan-Heller vs Bar-Gill Debate with Functionings and Consumer Sovereignty



Abigail Faust, From Invisible Hands to Perversity: The Transformation of 'Unintended Consequences'



Rachel Z. Friedman, Aristotle on Reciprocity, Equivalent Value, and the Embeddedness of Markets



Ludmila GarmashConfigurations of Inequality in the Workplace: The Role of Ethnic, Gender, and Class Relational Workforce Composition in Wage Inequality



Marc Goetzmann & Joëlle PopineauThe Meaning(s) of “Goodwill”, Contract Law and Trust in Commercial Relations



Adi Goldiner, Discrimination as a Public Wrong



Mateusz Grochowski, Freedom of Speech as a Consumer Commodity



Javier Habib, Shaping Markets with Human Rights: The Case of Argentina 



My Hedlin, Money-Creating Banks and the Market Price of Time 



Roni Hirsch, Who are the “Gatekeepers” of Antitrust Reform? 



Mirthe Jiwa Contract and Third Parties: The Critical Potential of the Third-Party Beneficiary Rule 



Yair KaldorProperty Rights and Power in Corporate Bankruptcies



Benjamin Katzeff Silberstein, Markets under Totalitarianism: Trust, Cooperation and Organization among North Korean Market Traders



Tom Kohavi,  Structural Injustice and Private Law



Dan Largman, The Equity of Redemption and the Transformation of Mortgages



Nethanel Lipshitz, Access to Autonomy as the “Currency” of Egalitarian Justice



Yam Maayan, The Beliefs Preferences Scheme: Kenneth Arrow’s Fundamental Critique of Neoclassical Economics



Erez Maggor, Developmental Coalitions and the Politics of Innovation-led Growth: Evidence from Israel, Taiwan, and Ireland, 1975-2008



Åsbjørn Melkevik, A Theory of Marginal Ethics



Attila Mráz, A Polarization-Containing Ethics of Campaign Advertising



Yifat Naftali Ben Zion, Could Legal Misinterpretations Destroy the Planet? Fiduciary Duties of Institutional Investors



Szymon Osmola, European Union Law of Dark Patterns



Aloke Prabhu, Ethical Foundations of Property: Socializing Obligations through Trusteeship



Stanislas Richard, Exploitation, Commodification, and the Nonworseness Claim



Yaniv Ron-El, Morals and Markets



Chagai Schlezinger, The Significance of Conscience in Community: Rethinking the ‘Hands Off Religion’ Doctrine



Guy Schultz, Spectrums of Justice: An Approach to Questions of Justice in the Practice of Philanthropy,



Samuel Segura Cobos, The Incredible and Sad Tale of Mexican Treasury Bonds: Market Making Activities in an Emerging Money Market (1958- 1978)



Ohad Somech, Private Access Common Resources: A View from the Cathedral



Theodosia Stavroulaki, The Healing Power of Antitrust 



Etye Steinberg, AI, Radical Ignorance, and the Value of Consent



Giacomo Tagiuri, The Battle Over Italian Beaches: A Case Study on EU-Induced Liberalization and the Cultural Salience of an Unusual Market Setting



Clareta Treger, Aversion or Adaptation: How Do Risk Perceptions and Personal Experience Shape Attitudes Towards Restrictive Government Policies? Lessons from COVID-19



Miklos Zala, Is Disability a Detrimental Difference? A Human Variation Perspective



Mickey ZarSold on the Cheap: The Commodification of Personal Information













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